Reflecting and Reconnecting with your Core Strengths


Presenter:  Kirsten Wille, Owner, Craft Your Portrait.

Workshop Objectives:

The objectives of this workshop is to provide attendees with:

  • Strategies for rediscovering their core strengths
  • Tools for developing a language to effectively describe their core strengths
  • Methods for leveraging this new language to more effectively market their value
  • The ability to influence how employers see their own needs

Workshop Description:

This workshop focuses on reflecting on and reconnecting with our core strengths. These are the foundation for our successes but are often the most difficult part of our personal stories to recognize and describe. Nonetheless, learning to recognize and effectively describe our core strength is key to developing effective marketing strategies and confidently delivering our best selves.

Please come prepared with a copy of your resume or list of 3-4 professional accomplishments.

Discussion Leader Biography:







Kirsten holds a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry and Masters in Crop Science, both from NC State. She built the first 15 years of her career as a bench scientist in cell biology, product development, and early drug discovery/drug development. She has worked in a variety of environments including academia, start-up biotech companies, and global corporations. In 2015, she transitioned into project management and currently manages customer training for Siemens Healthcare for all new interventional radiology equipment purchased in the U.S. In 2016, she began engineering her own dream job and created her own business aimed at empowering young adults to craft their own success.


Event Details

Event Date 09-21-2017 5:30 pm
Event End Date 09-21-2017 8:00 pm
Cut off date 09-18-2017
Registered 23
Available place 2
Individual Price Free
Location MetLife Building 1 Lovelace

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